

Each TV at some stage in his development has the feeling that he is the only person to ever feel the way he does. Later he learns that there are many others. Some are for- tunate enough to meet others, while many live out their whole lives without any real opportunity to communicate or to know what others are like TRANSVESTIA is, of course, filling the need of communication and helping to bring about a feeling of" togetherness", but some facts are badly needed both by TVs themselves and by society at large

To the end of developing factual knowledge about TVism your Editor has two plans and most hopefully solicits your cooperation in both of them Each is a type of questionaire Number 1: In the back of this issue, and not bound into it is an Information Survey All of us would be interested in finding out what the "typical" or "average" TV is like This questionaire will give some information of this type In order to make it possible to tabulate the results many of the questions are asked on a multiple choice basis This will enable the results to be summarized so that we could report that "43% feel thus and so, 24% feel another way and 33% a third way."

Your cooperation in filling out the questionaire PROMPTLY and returning it PROMPTLY will make it possible to have enough replies on hand to report in #7. Please do this, as the reports on the Popularity Poll kept coming in for 2 months after the summary had been completed It is not required that you identify yourself on this test, but if you are willing to place your name OR the code number on it please do so. It will help in selecting cases that might be worth investigating further, but name or no name please fill it out and return it.

Number 2: The questions referred to above are of the "open and shut" type That is to say, the purpose of the question is self evident and the information is factual and objective. However, this is not a complete enough investigation of the nature of TVism. It is important to have information of a more indirect, subjective nature.